Visit our Chicago Dental Office for Oral Exam to find out the exact condition of your teeth and oral health. We will provide you with treatment options that will help restore your smile and gums. We will listen and address any concerns you have regarding your oral or dental health. We provide individualized treatment plans that suits your needs. To schedule an appointment for Oral Exam at Family Care Dental Group, call (773) 465-2922.
We care about our patients by delivering a full range of dental hygiene services. We know how hard it is to get great dental hygiene services when budgets are tight. We have an advanced facility to care for smiles of all ages and we make sure to provide you the best dental hygiene services possible. To schedule an appointment for Dental Cleaning at Family Care Dental Group, call (773) 465-2922.
Root Canal Treatment, or endodontic treatment, is a procedure that can relieve the pain caused by diseased or injured pulp tissue in the center of the tooth. With advanced dental technology, a Root Canal Treatment is a fast and comfortable procedure. We will explain the procedure step-by-step and ensure that you understand understand what is going on. To schedule an appointment for
Root Canal Treatment at Family Care Dental Group, call
(773) 465-2922.
If you are experiencing jaw pain, popping jaw or headaches, you could be suffering from TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder. Patients suffering from TMJ often report a wide variety of symptoms. If you experience any of these symptoms, schedule an appointment for consultation or
TMJ Treatment at Family Care Dental Group and call
(773) 465-2922.
Sealants are thin layers of resin that are placed on the pits, fissures, and grooves of molars to prevent decay on these surfaces. The majority of decay on back teeth starts in the grooves and pits of chewing surfaces, especially during the first few years after their eruption.
Read More About Dental Sealants » Maintaining your oral hygiene is critical to your dental health. Our team is ready to clean your teeth and restore your smile. To schedule an appointment for a Deep Cleaning at Family Care Dental Group, call
(773) 465-2922.