missing teeth

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Implant Dentistry Chicago

Cosmetic Dentist in Chicago Implant dentistry Chicago If you have missing teeth, you probably know the importance of having them replaced. When you have missing teeth in your mouth, your other teeth will most likely shift in an attempt to fill in the missing space. This can cause serious bite problems as well [...]

Implant Dentist in Rogers Park

Cosmetic Dentist in Rogers Park Implant dentist in Rogers Park If you have missing teeth it is important that they are replaced. This is because adjacent teeth may try to move over to fill in the gap left by the missing tooth, and additional dental problems, and possible tooth loss can occur. This [...]

Implant Dentistry 60659

Dental implants in 60659 Implant Dentistry 60659 If you have missing teeth that you need to have replaced, you should visit us at Family Care Dental Group. Our dentist will be able to assess your individual tooth situation and determine which type of tooth replacement method is best, including dental implants. When you [...]

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