Cosmetic Dentist in Rogers Park

Implant dentist in Rogers Park
If you have missing teeth it is important that they are replaced. This is because adjacent teeth may try to move over to fill in the gap left by the missing tooth, and additional dental problems, and possible tooth loss can occur. This is just one reason why people come to our Family Care Dental Group to see our implant dentist in Rogers Park; our two top-notch dentists are Dr. Mark Mkrdichian and Dr. Ashor Elia.
There are many procedures that our cosmetic dentist can perform to improve the look of your smile. However, when it comes to dental implants, not only will our implant dentist in Rogers Park be improving the look of your smile, but he will also be improving the health of your mouth. The titanium dental implant root will keep the jawbone from atrophying due to tooth loss; your jawbone will remain healthy and even help you to retain your youthful appearance facial. Dental implants are comprised of the lower titanium dental implant root and the upper porcelain crown. Once you are determined to be a good candidate for the procedure, our dentist will surgically insert one dental implant root into your jawbone for each tooth that is being replaced. There is then a healing period of several months during which time your jawbone will completely heal from the surgery and the new dental implant will firmly fuse to your jawbone. This is why the dental implant root is able to provide such a steady and secure base for your new tooth. A beautiful new porcelain crown will be created which will color-match your adjacent teeth, and our dentist will permanently attach your new porcelain crown to the top of the dental implant root. At this point, you will have your beautiful new dental implant, and no one will ever be able to know that it is not your original tooth. And, the dental implants are so comfortable in your mouth that you too will soon forget that you even have them.
To meet with our implant dentist in Rogers Park, contact us today.